Not a Food Blog & Other Housekeeping

How would you feel about recipes/food here? I don’t think I’d end up straying too far away from books, because that remains my main passion, but would you be interested in the occasional recipe?

Also, how do you feel about the book reviews I have now? Are they interesting? Do you actually care what they say? How often should I actually try to update?

(I’m thinking a Tues/Thurs schedule would give me time to read/write good posts)

If I were to host a Robin McKinley week & a Giveaway, would you be interested in participating?


Filed under Not a Book Review

2 responses to “Not a Food Blog & Other Housekeeping

  1. Ela

    I read your blog for the book reviews (thanks for introducing me to ‘Please Ignore Vera Dietz’, by the way, amongst others), but wouldn’t object to recipes! And definitely would be interested in the Robin McKinley week: I do enjoy her books.


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